Want to know more about
The Back Room's unique format?
Here’s what an evening at The Back Room is like.
1. Register for an Event
Back Room events are held two times a month, always on Sundays at 7 PM ET. Events are free, but you must register to attend.

2. Log in to the event
The doors to the main Zoom room open five minutes before the program’s start time. Folks are encouraged to say hello to one another and to the featured authors. Chat is also turned on.
3. The program begins
As the program begins, attendees’ mics are muted and the featured authors are spotlighted on the main screen. After brief introductions, the authors play a fun “get to know you” game of 20-ish questions using our custom-designed Back Room Question Cards.
Recordings of these opening sessions are archived backstage at the Back Room. Breakout room sessions are never recorded.

4. Breakout rooms
The opening session finishes with the guest authors’ book recommendations, and then attendees are divided into 2 breakout rooms, with two authors assigned to each room.
Being assigned to a breakout room happens automatically. We recommend joining the call from a laptop or a computer instead of a tablet or cell phone and setting your screen to gallery view.
Attendees are encouraged to turn their video on so that the authors can see you, which is what makes Back Room events so much fun!
After half an hour, the 2 authors will be switched out with the other 2 authors, so by the end of the evening, you’ll have chatted up close and Zoom-personal with all 4 authors!
Yes! Back Room events are free to any who wish to attend.
You will receive a Zoom link at the time of registration. Check your email spam/junk folder for the confirmation email. If you still can’t find it, email [email protected] for assistance.
Our events take place at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (New York) so be sure that you are logging on at the correct time.
To log into the event, click the Zoom link in your confirmation email. You can also log in using the meeting ID and password. If you use this method, make sure that the meeting ID and password are both correct.
If you are still having difficulties, it may be an issue with your internet. Please reach out to [email protected] and we will do our best to troubleshoot.
Check that your volume on your device is turned up and that you are properly connected to the internet.
On the bottom left hand side of the Zoom screen there are icons for your microphone and video. Click them to turn them on or off. You do not need to be on camera if you do choose not to be.
Please note that all participant’s microphones are muted during the introduction. After you are moved into the break out rooms, you will be able to unmute your own microphone in order to participate.
You can visit our Past Events page to view a recording of the panel introduction and the 20-questions and book recommendations portion of the event.
Breakout rooms are not recorded. What’s said in the Back Room, stays in the Back Room!